Expanding the Toolbox: Applied Research for Improving IPM in Specialty Crops

Expanding the Toolbox: Applied Research for Improving IPM in Specialty Crops

Oct 24, 2022 - 4:10 PM
to Oct 24, 2022 - 5:00 PM

Dr. Alejandro Del Pozo - Assistant Professor of Entomology-Applied Insect Ecology, Turfgrass and Ornamentals, Virginia Tech, Virginia Agricultural Research and Extension Centers, Virginia Beach, VA.

Pest management poses different challenges for its implementation at the farm level. Growers ended relying heavily on chemical control tactics when battling both emerging or invasive pests in their fields. This presentation showcases how understanding the biology, phenology and ecology of targeted pests could inform the implementation of several tactics as part of an IPM program. Information on the use of remote monitoring traps, drones for releasing beneficials, insectary plants, and alternatives to pyrethroids and neonicotinoids will be discussed during this presentation.