The PPEM Department at Iowa State University offers a unique experience for graduates interested in pursuing careers in entomology, with a dynamic graduate program, outstanding professional development opportunities, and state of the art research facilities. The graduate student experience combines small town life with outstanding cultural and academic amenities. ISU entomology graduates have high placement within industry, federal agencies (e.g. USDA, EPA) and within academia.
The department offers work for the master of science and doctor of philosophy degrees with a major in Entomology. Studies at the Ecosystem, Organismal, and Subcellar levels occur in the following areas:
- aquatic entomology
- biological control
- chemical ecology
- ecology
- host plant resistance
- insecticide toxicology.
- medical/veterinary entomology
- pathology
- pest management
- physiology/biochemistry
- population genetics
- systematics
See also: Entomology Graduate Student Handbook.pdf
What to expect
On completion of their graduate degrees, ISU entomology graduates have a broad understanding of entomology and related disciplines, and an in-depth command of their area of concentration. They are able to communicate effectively with scientific colleagues and the general public in both formal and informal settings. Graduates are able to address complex problems facing entomology or toxicology professionals, taking into account related ethical, social, legal, economic, and environmental issues. They are skilled in research methods, data analysis, and interpretation of results. They also are skilled in working effectively with their colleagues, and writing concise and persuasive grant proposals. They have an understanding of and can critically evaluate current entomological literature.
Prerequisite to the entomology major and to minor graduate work in the department is completion of at least two years of zoological courses, for part of which credit in other closely allied biological sciences may be substituted. Specific course requirements for advanced degrees depend partly upon previous training and experience in the major field of specialization.
See also the Program and Application Page for Entomology maintained by the Iowa State University Graduate College.
Required courses
(additional courses may be required by the program of study committee)
M.S. in entomology
- one course in insect physiology
- one course in insect systematics
- two courses of Ent 590 (selected from topics A through D, F through I, M and N, inclusive)
- at least 1 credit of Ent 600
Ph.D. in entomology
- one course in insect physiology
- one course in insect systematics
- four additional courses of Ent 590 (selected from topics A through D and F through I, M through N inclusive). At least one 590 must be taken from each of these subgroups: Population (C, D, N); Organismal (A, B, F, M); and Suborganismal (G, H, I).
- at least 1 credit of Ent 600
- two semesters of teaching experience, taken as Ent 590K both semesters or Ent 590K one semester and Ent 590L the other semester
A student can receive a Ph.D. minor in Entomology by taking 3 Entomology courses (500 level and above) for a total of 9 credits to be determined by the student's POS committee and approved by the Entomology Director of Graduate Education.
An option for an emphasis in molecular entomology is available. Any student receiving the M.S. in entomology with an emphasis in molecular entomology is required to take Ent 555, Ent 590G, plus one other course of Ent 590 (selected from topics A through D, F, H, I, M, N), one additional course in molecular entomology, Ent 600 Seminar, BBMB 404, BBMB 542A, and one course from the following: Ent 576, Ent 525, or Ent 568. Any student receiving the Ph.D. in entomology with an emphasis in molecular entomology is required to take Ent 555, Ent 590G, plus three other courses of Ent 590 (selected from topics A through D, F, H, I, M, N), one additional course in molecular entomology, Ent 600 Seminar, BBMB 542A, plus two other workshops selected from BBMB 542 B through E, an additional course with a molecular component, and one from each of the following two categories: Systematics (Ent 576, Ent 525, Ent 568), Biochemistry (BBMB 404, BBMB 405, BBMB 501).
Entomology participates in the following interdepartmental majors:
- Ecology and Evolutionary Biology
- Genetics
- Immunobiology
- Microbiology
- Molecular, Cellular, and Developmental Biology
- Sustainable Agriculture
- Toxicology
Related information:
- Careers in Entomology
- Faculty
- Graduate Courses in Entomology
- Graduate Students
- Entomology Graduate Student Organization
- Iowa State University Graduate College
- Alumni Newsletter Archive
- Diversity, Equity, and Inclusion
Available Resources
Entomological Research
The Federal Corn Insects and Crop Genetics Research Unit and the North Central Plant Introduction Station are available for advanced study in certain phases of entomological research.
Center for Communication Excellence
The new Center for Communication Excellence offers free individual consultations with graduate writing consultants. Students working on their thesis or dissertation, journal article, research proposal, conference paper, poster presentation, etc. can make appointments with Disciplinary, Interdisciplinary, and English Writing Consultants. Students can also join graduate peer review groups, attend seminars and workshops, and access various other resources.
If you are interested in our graduate program, please contact